I never really believed in New Year's resolutions. Don't get me wrong. I made them anyway. But I knew they were more "New Year's resolutions that I would fail at and then hate myself for". Which, you know, is SUPER helpful.
Somewhere along the line I gave them up and instead made the occasional Tuesday Resolution. Tuesday Resolutions don't necessarily have to be on a Tuesday. It just means that the goal you are making is important no matter what day it is. The weight of importance should be on the goal, not the date.
I would sit there and say, you know what? I'm not going to do this or that anymore. Or, more importantly, I'd say I AM going to do this or that. When making a Tuesday resolution or Tuesday rebellion depending on the subject, you should always try to phrase it in the affirmative. Keep it positive. Especially if you are me. I don't like being told what not to do. So even if I am the one doing the telling, (i.e. I will not eat anymore ice-cream), I will inevitably resent myself and eat two times the amount of ice-cream, just to spite myself. You know, as you do.
But I digress.
The point of the "Tuesday" though is that it doesn't matter what day you start, it just needs to be now, in the very moment that you think of the goal. You can't wait for New Year's or Arbor Day or after you finish a stressful project or maybe after your vacation. It has to be now, at 12:43pm. It's fine if you fail here and there, but the starting point needs to be immediate. You have to battle that voice in your head that is telling you No.
Which brings me to this year's blog. The Year of Yes.
So what does this mean? Well, you know how you get in your own way? I've mentioned in the Scotland blog about the SHOULDAWOULDACOULDA's of life. It's all those things you didn't do because you told yourself NO before you even tried. Well, this year I'm going to attempt to rewire my little mental circuit board that always says NO and make it say YES. And then just see where it takes me.
Now this will probably be the most uncomfortable idea I've ever had. It will probably get me into a lot of trouble. But it's like eating a banana with peanut butter, it has to be done. (Don't knock it till you try it). Because if these past months in WA have taught me anything, it's that my natural inclination is to hide, hibernate, and interact as little as possible with people. Instead, I'm hoping this will help me put myself "out there" to new and hopefully better opportunities. That, and maybe it will be entertaining as hell (for you, if not for me). And NYC is the perfect/worst place to do it.
It does NOT mean that I will say yes to EVERYTHING. So any of you reading this who are thinking "oh, good. I'll ask her if she'll jump off a cliff naked while singing the National Anthem." can just take your suggestion and sit and rotate on it. What it DOES mean is that when I'm invited somewhere, or asked on a date, or have a possible audition, or a business meeting, if I'm ever presented with an idea or a dilemma and it gives me that hesitation where I then argue with myself of whether or not I should go, the answer will (for the next year) be yes. I usually say NO because I don't want to fail, be embarrassed, or find out that I am not meant to do something I really love to do. Well, you know where that gets you? It gets you a one way ticket to becoming the lonely middle aged cat lady waitress who spends her life bitter and resenting all the things she never did. Now I'm not knocking all those cat ladies out there if that was their dream, but it isn't mine. So, as long as those opportunities that come my way don't hurt others or myself, it's going to be fair game.
So. Here we go. A blog of YES. Let's hope I don't regret it.
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