Monday, March 11, 2013

Skinny Jeans and a Sh*t Ton of Yes's.

Getting back to acting is like squeezing into your old pair of skinny jeans.  I dont mean the crap style they have today that cause a muffin-top on purpose.  I'm talking about that one pair of jeans you keep at the back of your closet in the hopes that one day you'll bring it out again and it will fit like a glove.  Or,  like a properly fitted pair of jeans.  

This past week I've taken the "jeans" out per se. And they fit for the most part... but it's slightly tougher to breathe in them.

Acting is a gear in a machine that constantly needs oiled.  It will get rusty after awhile and sometimes just stops working if left neglected.  Above all things, I think nerves and low self esteem cause the most rust.  The longer you are out of commission, the further that gear deteriorates and the stiffness spreads.

Have I overwhelmed you with excessive metaphors? It ain' over yet.

There's nothing like feeling well oiled. (ok, for once that was not a double entendre so just stop your sick little selves right there). But truly, the feeling of being prepared and well practiced is like going to the gym on a good day and hitting your stride after the first 3k. Well, it is for me at least. Everything is warm and working and responsive. And you feel good. Really good. Like maybe you can do this. Be this. Get this life you want.

After the last post, I was ready to have a serious pity party.  But I hung in there and lo and behold, within a week I've gone on two film auditions, filmed an audition for a Shakespeare company, signed on as a lightboard operator for a show, signed on to help out at Broadway Backwards next week, written another two pages of my book, scheduled a reading of The Philadelphia Story, rehearsed two songs and a scene for a showcase I am doing in two weeks, and have scheduled another scene to be performed in April.  I've also signed on to a committee for a small festival called Mass Rhetorics with a theatre company where I read new plays that are submitted and help choose five to put up at the end of April.  I also booked a side job helping out at a couture wedding trade show in April for a weekend.  So...I think I'm busy. 

Sad thing is, finances will still be tight. Even after all that.  But I'm getting by.  I need to remember that everything I'm doing has to do with the industry. And if it doesn't, I'm doing things I enjoy.  Patience is not really my thing so I'm working on being ok with where I am now.
As Faith told me tonight, "I know what I want.  And I want it now.  Why is that so difficult for people to understand?"  I completely get where she's coming from.  But every YES is a success.  And I've just piled on a sh*t ton of YES's.

Should be a fascinating month.


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